• 我们拥有独家的虚拟直播技术,专业的直播团队以及电视台级别的录播、导播设备装置和专业级直播间。建成广州虚拟场景实验室。提供各种演播录制拍摄服务并提供VR、AR、MR、XR等视觉艺术技术的加持。


    We have exclusive virtual live technology, professional live team and TV station - level recording and directing equipment and professional - level broadcast room. Build Guangzhou virtual scene laboratory. Provide all kinds of video recording and shooting services and provide VR, AR, MR, XR and other visual arts technology support.


  • 2020年6月23日,世茂&泰禾地产举办世茂泰禾广州院子紫禁书院签约仪式暨配套升级见面会。【但邀世界入院来】展现出其包容阔达性。故宫守门人单霁翔出席发布会。

    On June 23, 2020, Shimao Taihe Real Estate held the signing ceremony and matching upgrade meeting of Shimao Taihe Guangzhou Courtyard. [But invites the world to be admitted] shows its inclusiveness. Shan Jixiang, keeper of the Palace Museum, attended the press conference.

