• Summary




    Animation book, this small book can play a short 19-second video animation, just like the book can be seen. The guests posed and recorded a 10-second short video in the shooting area. Then the computer system automatically printed out each frame, and within a few tens of minutes, the animation page-turning book could be completed.

  • Introduction


    2018年12月14日,蔚来汽车卡地亚举办沙龙活动,畅谈万物互联时代出行的方式,【REACH NOW即时出行】。蔚来汽车创造未来汽车。



    On December 14, 2018, Nextev Cartier held a salon to talk about the way to travel in the age of Internet of Everything, "REACH NOW instant Travel". Nextev creates the future car.
