








The inaugural Meeting of the First China Annual Conference on Cancer Prevention and Control in 2020 and the launching ceremony of the "People's Good Doctor jinshan Camellia Plan" was held in Beijing recently. The conference reviewed the major progress made by the medical community in the field of cancer prevention and treatment by 2020 and encouraged the development and application of innovative drugs in China. A number of young and middle-aged experts who made outstanding contributions were also commended. The meeting was guided by the publicity group of The Office of Health China Action Promotion Committee, sponsored by People's Daily online • People's Health, co-organized by The China Health Promotion Foundation, and supported by the Paekche Shenzhou Strategy.









Mosaic map, a very creative check-in interactive scheme. Divided into physical mosaics and electronic mosaics. Guests will take a group photo in the sign-in area, then scan the code and upload the photo, then the printed photo can be pasted to the designated post wall, and a complete preset theme picture will be presented when the whole wall is pasted. The electronic Mosaic uploads the picture directly, then the picture flies into the screen wall, and many photos together form a preset theme wall.




2020年12月29日 22:26

◎  广州总部 :广州海珠区新港东路华域创意园A1栋


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◎  上海分部 :上海市宝山区江杨南路2500弄30号


◎  深圳分部: 广东省深圳市龙岗区龙城街道新联社区爱南路468号


